Table of Contents


Funny quote from me (past website)(this is prehistoric) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ maybe this works maybe it doesnt, but christian choe based


Welcome to my website! I'm Ed, and this website is essentially Obsidian Publish on steroids, i.e. this is where I publish my obsidian notes. I am a member of the town, and I am a member of the study group. The website runs using Netlify and Quartz, with special thanks to Jacky Zhao (here is the github page), who essentially wrote all the code, did all the hard work, while I've just stolen it. :) And this is my website philosophy. Enjoy :)

All pages should be accessible via notes or OldWritings :)

Also, I suggest checking out the Notice Board for when I update things. The board is a continuation of the faithful development status, which I have decided to retire. We are no longer in the main development status!! :)

Why I should be your tutor

Here are some satisfied customers!

Tips and Tricks

Page Shoutout


Here you will learn the most crucial concept in chemistry.


This cannot be done by simply adding water to the sulfur trioxide; the reaction is so uncontrollable that it creates a fog of sulfuric acid.

$H_{2}SO_{4(l)}+SO_{3(g)}\rightarrow H_{2}S_{2}O_{7(l)}$

"thanks for this infomation that i will definitely not mis-use"


A very cool imag

Pranav and Co

A quote of all time

"I love children"


A quote of all time

"I love nuts"


Very awesome quotes (definitely not completely and utterly stolen from kento)

an random collation of quotes

Word of the day



